Electoral Organizing




California Partnership believes that electoral organizing is one of the important tools low-income communities have to build power and work for social and economic justice. That’s why CAP fosters civic engagement among our member organizations every year and year-round, not just during election season.

While millions of low-income Californians have trouble finding work, putting food on the table and accessing health care, relatively few are currently engaged in efforts to reform the system. As a result, policies too often are made without meaningful consultation with the people it will affect.  By exercising our power at the ballot box, we can create a more just California for all of us.

California Partnership provides resources, capacity building and leadership training to help groups connect electoral organizing to their ongoing work for social justice.

California Partnership works nationally with Center for Community Change’s Community Voting Project


In California, we are on the steering committee of Mobilize the Immigrant Vote



If you are not registered to vote, or if you have moved or changed your name, please visit the

California Secretary of State's website today!


Or you can also check whether you are registered and register at
