CA 2016 -17 Business, Consumer Services, Housing Budget

The Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency is responsible for overseeing departments, boards, commissions and agencies that provide licensing and regulation of businesses and professions. They also regulate financial services and state-licensed financial institutions; enforcement of the sale of alcoholic beverages; regulation of the horse racing industry; the investigation and prosecution of civil rights; safe and affordable housing opportunities; and earthquake safety. The Agency is comprised of the following entities: Department of Consumer Affairs; Department of Business Oversight; Department of Fair Employment and Housing; Department of Housing and Community Development; California Housing and Finance Agency; Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control; Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board; California Horse Racing Board; and Alfred E. Alquist Seismic Safety Commission.

Business, Consumer Svcs, Housing, Scty $3,117,000
Dept of Consumer Affairs, Reg Bds, Bur $654,947,000
Seismic Safety Commission, A. E. Alquist $3,360,000
Department of Fair Employment, Housing $29,268,000
Department of Business Oversight $92,845,000
Horse Racing Board $13,469,000
General Obligation Bonds-BCH $400,327,000
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control $62,545,000
Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board $1,077,000
Dept of Housing, Community Development $1,096,638,000